Friday, August 29, 2008

Always On My Mind

Just a short post today . . . Jean Luc Picard always referred to his second in command as "Number One". Is that a nautical term, I wonder? In any event, I refer to my number one daughter as my Number One as well. Not because she is my second in command (although sometimes we do need to remind her who is the parent int he family), but because she is my oldest and most like me in temperament. Unlike Dawn, who is my opposite and therefore an endless mystery to me, Emica is like me and a mirror in whichI see my own strengths and flaws.

Today, I was driving to work and this song came up on my MP3 player. As soon as I heard it, I thought of Emica. So here is my little love letter to my 'number one' whom I am so proud of, ready to spread her wings. go have a listen . . . Always on My Mind

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