Saturday, June 12, 2010

Note With Flowers

This little love poem reflects the influence of reading Rilke.  I was fascinated by the density of his language and tried to reflect that in this poem by using internal rhymes to make it , in my mind, intertwined.  I haven't written many poems that rhyme and even here, I was inconsistent in style. The reference to the rose is also a tip of the pen to him.

The poem was, of course, written for Dawn.  I can't remember the circumstances that required flowers, but I am certain it was some form of apology for my behavior.  During those early years there was lots of 'twisting and bending' as there often is in the first years of a marriage.  Many mistakes were made, but none, fortunately , would be ultimately fatal to the relationship.

The rose blooms; blush red passion's
Delicate heat - so too our love consumes.
We burn, leave ash where from
The new bird springs complete.
Our hope - a dove
With this no other love

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