Sunday, August 28, 2011

What's in Name Part Two

In my last post, we were on our way to Boutiliers Point in Nova Scotia.  When we arrived, the first stop was the St. James Anglican Church graveyard.
It was kind of creepy, as Dawn pointed out, that the graveyard was virtually filled with Boutiliers.  There were monuments to veterans and victims of the Halifax Explosion of 1917. One of the most moving and mysterious was this one that listed an entire family of various ages.

Of course, it would only be a matter of time until . . . .
The freakish thing, of course, was he died just a year after I was born.
Here are a couple more views of the outside of the church (that is Dawn in the foreground) and what we took to be the Point opposite the church.

In my next post, I will reveal the truth about why we don't speak French anymore in our family.

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