Saturday, September 18, 2010

Number Thirteen

Today's image is of a full size model of a molar that my father carved over 50 years ago as a test in dental school.  A couple of years ago, after he had closed his office, we were going through some of his stuff and I asked him if I could have it.  It is carved in wax and, I am told, lifelike in every detail.  I can imagine him as a young man, laboring over this carving as his children whooped in the background in the tiny trailer in Rockland.  This poem is new.  Recently I had to have one of my teeth extracted, the first. The title refers to the number of the tooth I lost, upper left side.

There it is again, that damned gap.
The tongue just can't resist exploring 
The ghost of the guard for fifty years, 
More or less.

Your permanent record, a permanent job
Permanent teeth, yeah, well, so much for that.
Cells die every day and are reborn again,
Except this can't be replaced, I am no shark.

This is how it goes he says,
"Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything.";
The clever bastard.

The broken crown is cast away,
New bone building for a robot molar
Of titanium and God knows what.
The balance tips 
A little bit more 
Toward the end.

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