Saturday, September 25, 2010


When I first came to college I was in the midst of a religious episode in my life.  I felt very strongly moved by presence of God in an extraordinary way.  Later, and by the time this poem was written, circumstances had changed and with them an estrangement.  This poem was an attempt at the time to deal with the feelings I had that somehow I had lost touch with experience of the numinous, that Holy Spirit that had led me to study Scripture and prepare for a life in service to God.  I knew something had changed, but I wasn't sure what. This poem was a struggle to find out why I felt the way I did. Sometimes, the girls will ask if I believe in God.  My answer is in those last two lines.

Too long have we reclined with them, asleep.
In Egypt's halls we drank away the nights.
We praised their templed plains so fair, their works
Of art so awed our hearts we wept for love.
We lust for fragrant flesh, for golden coin;
We take on vices not our own, but theirs.
Forgotten now is promise made, our bid
For freedom lost.  Hope slips, is gone away.
God turns aside and hides Her face, her child
forgets Her name, too long sojourned with them.

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